Saturday, 22 August 2009

The Secret Quotes

THE SECRET ONLINE QUOTES adjustment of thoughts

By Mike England author of ‘How to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You

Many many people know now about the law of attraction, and how you can begin to create your own reality. However the question I ask, is how many people out there are doing it, I do not mean attracting parking spaces and things like that. I mean creating real life changes?

Well if you are like most, not many, when something does not come at the set date or within a very short period of time, most people become disheartened and think this does not work.
The thing is sometimes you can be too specific. Until you yourself are in a real place of belief about the law of attraction and what it can do for you, ie attract the life you want. It is never going to work as effectively as you would like this is because you maybe too aware of the lack of it, have too many contradictory beliefs (emotional responses), and lots of other reasons.
What can happen because you are living the NOW!! Of the situation you cannot get into the real place of belief about the specific things that you want.

The best thing for you to do in this situations is to think and most importantly feel about the subject of your attention in a general non specific way ie money health, success, etc. That is what the secret online quotes are designed to do, to allow you to feel the emotional state of what you want in a general way. Once you begin to experience improvement in the condition, subject of what you want to attract, you then begin to increase your belief factor which can then get you to a point where you can be specific and really believe that what you want can come, and then it will.

Have a go at the secret quotes and see. For further information contact me or have a look at the website for loads more information and downloads including a free one, and also I share some techniques too that can assist you to get to the point of belief. My book is also available there ‘How to Make the law of attraction work for you’

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