Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Law of Attraction Article

By Author Mike England

The purpose of this law of attraction article and all the others I have posted is so that the public reading this can get the powerful law of attraction working in your life right now. I have laid down all of the principles and techniques that can assist you right now.

So why do more people not create there life? That question has as many answers as there are people on the planet. However to get things started the 2 biggest obstacles most people have are detailed below:

· Most do not believe it can really work (doubt)
· Most expect it to happen instantly (impatience)
· Do not understand truly what they are doing in applying the techniques.

Let’s examine the 3 examples above in detail so we can establish a way forward. In the first example most people from a very early age are stripped of hope. Have you ever heard things like this, this is the real world and you have to work hard to achieve anything, stop dreaming that will get you nowhere. There are all sorts of sayings but it comes down to the same we are programmed as we grow up to stop believing that we create our life. So we begin to focus on the life around us, when this is not a good experience it creates a vibration of negativity which in turn attracts negativity and destroys hopes and dreams. What can be done. Well you can begin right now to release those doubts. They were someone else’s, spoken to you by someone else. So make a decision each time doubt enters your mind that this was created for you by someone else and that you are free to think and feel what you choose. Each time you do this the doubts will be less and less and eventually they will be released from your awareness. This will then give you a whole new page with which to work from.

Most people expect it to happen instantly. When things do not happen within a time they have set or within a couple of weeks. A lot just give up. Remember do not give up, you have had a lifetime of negativity surrounding you. So if it takes 6 or 12 months to release that. This is nothing compared to negativity you have experienced over that past 30 40 50 years of your life dependent on how old you are. Hold the faith, it does work, I got it to work which prompted this article. To get it working the right way you though you have to persevere. So do it now and continue doing it and things will shift. When you begin start small to build your faith. Also the small things will come much more quickly as there are not so many negative beliefs attached to them.

So there you have it, release the doubts, and keep the faith. Good things happen when you believe, is my biggest law of attraction affirmation. I created that affirmation and it has worked stupendously for me throughout the years.

So begin right now, creating the life you always dreamed of, take the baby steps (attract the small things), then go for it.

For more information please click on the link Law of Attraction and Money Author Mike England has loads more information and techniques on his site, including free law of attraction podcasts on itunes.

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