Thursday, 1 October 2009

Law of Attraction and Meditation

Law of Attraction and Meditation

By Author Mike England

Law of attraction and meditation, what is meditation?, and how can it be used to work with the law of attraction?.

Law of attraction is the vibratory force of the universe that brings like for like particles together. We are all vibrational beings constantly emitting signals out into the universe by means of our thoughts and emotions. The experiences and situations we all experience in life are determined by the different types of thoughts and emotions we all experience in out daily lives.

What does mediation have to do with this I hear you say, well in actual fact it has everything to do with it. Mediation is a place inside yourself where you can experience a greater clarity, this in turn can then allow you to begin to focus on the thoughts and emotions that will serve you, bringing the experiences and situations in your life that you want to experience.

If you could imagine that through daily life as you think thoughts and feel emotions, you are very much experiencing these thoughts and emotions by default. I will list examples of what I mean below:-

Someone upsets you like the boss, or family or friend - You feel upset or angry. The situation caused you to feel and experience a negative emotion.

You feel tired in job, fed up, wanting it to change, wanting more money.

The situation has caused you to feel frustrated and aware of what you have not got, another negative emotion.

You are ill and the doctor gives you a diagnosis stating there is nothing you can do.

The situation causes you to feel helpless and uncertain as to what to do, another negative emotion.

All of these emotions are experienced by default in other words you experience them as a result of the outside circumstances in your life.

Meditation allows you to actually take control of your thoughts and feelings and focus on those thoughts that are going to serve you, that are going to attract new experiences into your life. It can be likened to a laser beam being focused in the direction that you want it to be focused.

So meditation is really a space that you create by lying or sitting in a comfortable position and just closing your eyes and allowing your body to relax. Once in this state you can then begin to practice the feeling place of what it is you want to attract, whether it be increased abundance, new love, a better job, your body to become healthy in fact anything.

This is real control, as you begin to take control of your thoughts and emotions, you also begin to shape your destiny, your future into something pleasing to you.

So use law of attraction and meditation and make it your intention to experience this once per day and enjoy getting into the feeling place of what you want to attract and very soon you will find you will move through time and space to live the life that you have imagined in your meditations.
Have fun and enjoy your wonderful manifestations.
Author Mike England I have written a book on How the Law of Attraction can work for You, For More information on Law of Attraction and Money and the law of attraction please feel free to contact me via the link.

1 comment:

  1. “What you seek is seeking you.” - Rumi
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